This morning I woke up grumpy. Now why is it that some days I get up cheerful, but some days down in the pit? Well, I felt that today. So I let my emotions have control.

'I wish I could go there.. I wish I did that.. O for that holiday! fortunate they are!' On and on my rantings went.
My poor hubby had an earful. I looked at him. He seemed so calm.
Not that he had it very good either. But he took it in stoic silence.

I got irked by his nonchalance. And felt like grumbling a little more. But then I stopped myself.
'Hey, you gonna spoil your entire day..and others' too..shut up!'
I reprimanded myself.

Then I began looking around as hubby drove.
I gazed at the road sweeper, who went quietly about his business. Then at the banana seller, his tiny 'vehicle' parked at the roadside curb. He was reading a newspaper. How contented they appeared!

Back home, the young man who looks after my ailing dad-in-law arrived at sharp ten past ten.
As always. He walks half an hour from his home to reach ours to save bus fare! My maid, neatly dressed, smiled cheerfully.
Well, I thought to myself, if these guys, who had no vacation, no luxuries, living hand-to-mouth could go about their day with utmost professionalism, why couldn't I? Wasn't I far better placed than them?

So I made up my mind.
To smile lots today..
to bless somebody, to cheer them up, no matter what I feel..
to pull someone's leg..
and have mine pulled too ha ha
to be grateful to God for this day..
for Writerbabu..
for good health, family, friends...
and above all..
His wonderful gift of life!

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