Bearing me in the womb
for so long...
difficult to bear all pain- yet you do
But then what forces you to throw me out, disown
look down upon?
And then you promise to welcome only a son?
Am I not your very own blood?
Can I not be your happiness- or did you have
to carry me up with so much ease,
that you feel no pain to give me up?
Why girls to you symbolise sadness?
Why are they a reason behind your woes, unending distress?
Can I ever not have the right
to grow up, learn, study and fight?
Can't I stand up on my own legs ever?
I can mother- yet they wouldn't let me, never!
What is it that doesn't bind you to me
as you look forward for the day I am immersed into the sea?
You say bread-earner would be my son
Why can't I? What wrong have I done?
I too can, mother, if you let me win
Yet end my life before it begins
the sun is dimmed long before it shines.
You take risks a lot- even knowing life's at stake
you agree to put mine too, you willfully kill me up
you never want me to wake!
When inside, they say you could feel my fists,
my lovely kicks
the food you ate was shared by me
When you knew not, you were so in glee!
Yet what made you hate to the extent
you finally had to end
decide my fate?
Even when they told you you were quite late?
Can't a girl symbolise happiness?
Can't she be given even a single chance
to sing and dance,
to love and live?
To give, forgive, help and let live?
Are you not a woman alive? Wasn't your mother one too?
Then why hesitated when it was me?
Can't I make you smile in glee?
Is your life not important?
What made you think mine wasn't?
Each time I come, you make me die
long before I learn to cry!
Yet when no son is born to you
are you ready to take in tantrums,
rather than accept me as your true hue!
You would never receive him,
I pledge to come again next time.
That time please do let me live...
whatever is my mistake, please do forgive!
Please let me live, I want to live,
want to learn, to change our lives
so that only happiness thrives.
This punishment you're giving me for which deed?
I plead,
I want to prove, I want to live!
Bearing me in the womb
for so long,
give me a chance to hear your song...
I promise I won't ever be wrong,
yet make your head high with pride.
Only, let me live,
let me survive!
Let me thrive..
Let me last that long,
to hear your song.