No,I'm not talking of cats.But women who could give Aishwarya Rai a run for her money.I grew up in a city with lots of them.At every nook and corner,they were there.

The first of this species I encountered,was a slim girl with razor sharp facial features as well as an intelligent brain.She could often be seen standing at her doorway, brushing her long,silky tresses.

We,a group of girls,spent hours chatting away on our front porch.Our teacher's daughter,no one could of course fool around with her.Except,perhaps her brother's buddy,who found innovative ways to gaze at her.
'Dekh,kaise woh ghoor raha hai',she made a reference to the desperate fellow gazing at her intently through the branches of the tree,just before her brother arrived.

A few years later she was replaced by our Physics ma'am in college,again a combination of beauty with brains.Green eyed.No wonder she was everyone's favorite,including her male colleagues,I suppose.

This category is clearly well endowed,I mean with grey cells. Add that to that breathtaking smile of theirs.Can floor anyone.

We saw another one on a train to Delhi.She boarded from Pune with a female friend.Both were JNU students.She was so lovely,none could take their eyes off her.

From the word go,she was immersed in her Math books,pausing intermittently to look up at her friend.
Soon guys in the next berth were eying them dangerously.Hubby offered to make space for them elsewhere.They politely declined.

Next morning,the men got off to stretch their legs at the station.My handsome hubby got off too.I happened to look out the window.In time to catch hubby staring at her unblinkingly.
A tinge of envy ran over me.All my admiration for the female vanished like thin vapor.

Soon we would reach Delhi.
'Let's drop the girls on our way home,anyway we live quite near them',he implored.
'No way,let them make it on their own',I replied.

I realized how possessive we women could be,when it comes to our partners.

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