Girls had this saying, 'teen tigda, kaam bigda', as they grew up in our times.
It means if THREE girls go about on any ends in failure.
I always thought as a kid it was 'teen tigda, KAAN bigda.'

One day, in spite of our elavated status as std 10th students, we were made to do mass P.T on the school ground along with lesser mortals.
How disgusting! Having to move hands up and down, wasting precious time when we could use it for better things, especially as boards were fast approaching.
So we hit upon a plan..

I and two of my close friends..the three of us decided to slip out unnoticed through an escape route behind the school, which led to the colony hotel..then escape to freedom.
So we slowly, stealthily walked towards our goal.

A whistle blew.
We turned around frightened.
The voice, a highly masculine one, belonged to this thin, dark lady, Mrs Valsankar, also a P.T teacher.
Our elderly, beloved ( no longer) peon, Bhople stood next to her pointing at us .
He had caught us red handed.

We looked real sheepish as she reprimanded us.
Like prisoners planning a jail break..and not succeeding at it...
we joined the others and resumed waving our hands up and down to the MPT Sir's tune.
I was beginning to believe in "teen tigda kaam bigda" again!

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