man i wish i could be like you
get the girls like you do
you took a woman out to eat and bought her food
youre a nice dude
youre never rude
if we were battle rapping i would be tapping out
but you would never battle rap me because hate is not what youre about
he takes care of women like he works at a hospital
hes sweeter than a skittle
he was a good kid when he was little
whenever he watches those commercials about the hurt animals he cries
it makes him feel hurt whenever anything dies
he never lies
hes good at everything but he still tries
to be the best of the best
when he took his college exam he aced the test
people love him so he never has to wear a vest
hes not a fool
he never skipped school
except once when his mother was sick
he never exaggerates about his dick
cuz its big enough to have its own merit
if peta gave him a shirt he would wear it

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