My fellow writers,
I bid you my final goodbye…
It’s time for me to go,
Don't ask me why…
It’s my 150th post,
A milestone for me…
But I'm giving up,
Bcoz I have become a dying tree
I have tried to write,
But nothing comes in my mind…
I feel jealous of you folks,
Bcoz I am not so kind…
I'm fed up with writing,
It sucks now….
I have started to hate it,
I dunno how…
I'm breaking free from the circle,
Which I had become proud of,
You guys keep it up,
Just do what you love…
my time is up,
I have to retire...
I can't stay around here,
like a worn out tyre...
My journey ends here,
I am parting ways…
I won't come back again,
But I'll miss you all anyways…

P.s: Don't take that seriously... I was joking...
Happy 150th post to me... :D
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Comments (8 so far )
November 23rd, 2013
my goodness..i was preparing to tell u pls dont quit na..blahblahblah
November 23rd, 2013
Thnks guyz... :D
November 23rd, 2013
the last made all of sudden changed evrything.
nice mukhtaar.keep going :-0)
nice mukhtaar.keep going :-0)
November 25th, 2013
haha....I was like who is leaving now?? ...until I saw that line and your name.....good one!!..
November 28th, 2013