“Dear John, regretfully, telling you I am sorry
Fighting you there war, my feelings go awry.”
Slipped cold M1 Carbine off from hands of John,
Unbelievingly read it thrice, in pain he looked drawn.

“I set you free John, to fight for the nation
Aching from Separations, John, I need salvation.
No home in your wait, bye, sending you your coat.”
Only five lines, was the all she wrote.

After six war-years, in nineteen forty five,
The village of the Jane, seeks an arrive.
Brown coated, unshaved, A tired soldier,
Gun pointing down, from his brave shoulder.
Six years ago she passed, ”Love, John”, did she crave.
Told villagers the story, shot his head on her grave.

Theme of the Poem: John is a an American soldier who is fighting Second World War for his country. A day he receives a letter from his girlfriend Jane telling him that she cannot take pain of separation anymore therefore she wants to end her relation with John. The letter speaks only five lines. Jane even sends brown coat of John with the letter which is the only thing of John she had with her. This is an indication that now there is no any reason for John to come back to her.

But in 1945 when World War II ends, John comes to the village of Jane. End of the sonnet is tragic. John hears news of the death of Jane by villagers, when they narrate him that the letter to the John was the written by Jane on the bed of death and she died with the name of John on her lips. She did not want to bring into the knowledge of John about her death ergo she wrote a heart-braking letter to him so that he forget her. After knowing the painful death and reality behind the letter, John fills with grief and has no reason to live and kills himself with his gun on the grave of Jane.

Tags: Love, Sad Ending

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