Tuition begins at 8 a.m, and it is 7:20 a.m. I was given loads of maths homework last week. I totally forgot about it. Last night I remembered that homework was still pending and completed almost a quarter of it.

I work up at 4:20 a.m. Practices maths homework in the morning was better than at night. I even manage to complete some tough exercises. I fought those numbers. Reading notes in my copybook again and again.. All to no vain. I failed miserably in understanding the chapter itself..

But still I did not give up. I continued struggling until, well I fell asleep on my desk. Mom came to wake me up at 7 o'clock. After a quick breakfast, I decided to go tackle with the numbers again. But soon as I saw the copybook, I closed it. At least my maths was enough good to be able to calculate that I wouldn't be able to complete them..

And now I sit in front of my PC.. Thinking of what will I say to the teacher as excuse.. Then I realize.. There was no need to lie about anything.. I just have to tell the damn truth!.."I forgot", I will say directly. What worse can he do?-Put me at the door- Inform parents- Well I go and tell him .. Let him do what he want..

I have a serious problem with maths.. and I'm tired of struggling.. Sometimes you just have to let go..

Tags: Short Story

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