In one of my all time favorite movie,'Dil,Dosti,etc',the narrator says "Manzil ki ek jhalak mil jaye toh raste khud ba khud saaf ho jate hain".Since,the goals keep changing,the journey seems pointless.

In biology ,they say, that every human-body completely transforms itself in 7years.That means the person I am today will not be there seven year latter,my beliefs,my interest and MY GOALS would be different.Some call this progress,I dont agree with them.We are losing a part of ourself as we trend into the future,how can it be progress?

Five years from now,I was sitting in eighth grade,my dream was to be an IITian(parents wanted me too),"Sun rises from the East" was a Universal truth(Earth revolves,dumbass).The dream was to have my own pokemon club of atleast 20 pokemons in it.Today,I am a commerce student with a dream is to be an enterpenure,active NGO worker,big post in a corporate, a poet,a good son,a person who love what he does.But for how much time?

When someone a one ask me " Who are you?",I am baffled,Telling him I am Abhay,I have done blah blah thing is telling him what I was.On the other hand,telling him,I want to be so so in future doesn't seem logical either.The present is all we have,but we keep screwing our-self thinking about past and future.

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