Every gal in her teens dreads this. That 'accident'.

It occurs at the most unlikely time, in the oddest of places and it takes her completely unawares! She has forgotten the date again!

She may have been in class, in a mall, on a running train, in the most crowded bus or in a busy meeting. Suddenly she gets a taste of harsh, warm, gruesome reality. But she's totally unprepared. She feels like kicking herself then. And folk around her wonder why she switched off all of a sudden. Why do her eyes seem so glazed? How come she's decided to be indifferent to them? Only she knows why. She just wants to be back home!

But as one matures, one learns to handle it better and try to be prepared for any eventuality. But still some get caught by surprise.
I once saw this elderly woman getting up from her seat in the bus to get down at the stop.
She had had an accident. It was a huge one. And she wasn't even aware of it.
I went red even as I looked down in embarrassment, hoping the men didn't see her!

Another time a pretty gal in my class returned her completed answer sheet in an exam and as she walked out of the class, I noticed she had a slight accident too. And she had worn a spotless white dress on top of it.
Enough to put her down in the dumps in the ladies' room.

I think it's the worst experience a woman can have, not to be prepared for an event like this. I'm sure every gal has gone through this some time or the other. The agony that follows, the guilt and the resulting shame is enough to break the toughest looking woman.

Men are so fortunate, they don't have to go through this. Yet they grumble and complain. For having had a bad hair or a stubborn stubble day!

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