Girl we're are together , we now are one. The day I
became your Boyfriend , your problems became
my problems. Your business became my
business. I can't promise you a perfect , stress-
free , relationship but what I can promise you is
as long as your TRYING , I'm staying. I'm
riding until the wheels fall off and when they
do , I'll walk with you and that's my word
I won't say I'll never hurt you chances are i
will. I'll make mistakes. I'll break promises I'll
fight with you. I'll make you scream I'll make
you not want to be me anymore. But even so i
will always learn from my mistakes. I'll never
give up on us. I'll always apologize. I'll always
love you. I'm not perfect. I never will be. But i
also don't want to be dishonest and promise
you things i cant keep. I'd rather show my
faults and try to make up for them
I promise you, as long as you're trying, I'm

::::: PK ♥MâĎĎÝ :::::

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