As she turned away from him, she saw the marks her nail had made on the sky. She knew she had slept. She did not know that she had told him everything she wanted to tell him. She did not want to know. But the marks told her and she cried. After the marks vanish, she will have to tell a new story to herself.

She enjoyed crying and telling stories. She could laugh without crying. The previous night she had told the story of a man who always doubted whether he was alive. He would shake his head to make himself believe. For others, he was denying life. For him, he was alive. He touched her and she slept again.

They had thought of walking on water today. They had failed before. Neither of them could do it alone. Sometimes the currents within them were stronger than the current beneath their feet. Sometimes, they were weaker. He could not see her walk alone. She would never let him. But, today they wanted to. Both of them wanted to.

They started talking as soon as they opened their eyes. She wanted to know what he would do if she fell into the water in between the task. He asked her if she will pull him into it. They asked many questions to each other. The answers were inside the pool of water.

She wanted to tell a story to her reflection in the pool. But her hands were held by his. She could not write. She could not tell a story without writing it. She could not write without her hands.

She knew she could not be angry now. Both of them would fall. But anger knew her better than she knew herself. She loosened her hands from his grip and started telling a story. It was about a child who went to school without telling his parents. Before she could complete, he had held her hands again. She started speaking to him. At first she thought she was telling the same story. When he tightened his grip, she knew she was not.

They failed today also. They decided that they would never come to the pool again. Like the previous time.

He gave her a cup of tea. She gave him a chair to sit. Both of them looked into the cup of tea. They laughed. He joked about the sound of her laughter. She joked about the sound of that joke.

She was happy. She wanted to write a book. She embraced herself with her hands. She took a pen, kept it behind her ears and walked like a street lamp, with her head down. She saw his feet, kneeled down and started writing on the floor. When his feet moved, she moved with it. He did not notice. She was elated, jumping with joy.

She started writing a book on a girl who fell into a pool of water and walked in it - her autobiography.

Tags: ROMANCE, Cliche

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