I wondered today. Simply wondered.
How two people enter marriage..

The function is grand. Done in shaan and elaan.
All dressed in royal finery. Silks and only silks everywhere.
Women all made up dolls. None look one year older.
Food so fantastic.
Gifts arrive. Brand new ones. Wrapped in the most attractive manner.
The couple, resplendent, look made for each other.
Function ends..guests sadly depart.
Gifts opened..ooohs and aahs follow.
Brand new wrist watch, latest gadgets, gift hampers, home appliances..
Enough to last a lifetime.

The couple left alone. Now begin to uncover..discover one another.
Revelations begin. Arguments in the offing.
The past springs up. Of relationships with others.
Their's sours. Without a moment's notice.
The wrapping was glorious..but the gifts second hand!

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