
We had been working towards making this platform a bit more mature to encourage some serious writing. The book section was launched in January but it was just bare minimum since public curiosity was rising beyond limits for what is this new feature of book writing. Book section has improved since then and a lot more needs to done.

So this is to announce that from now on you will be able to publish your books and set a price for it. If a reader wants to read your work they will have to pay you for your hard work because writing a book is no joke and it takes a lot to write a book. Sometimes it takes months or even an year to finish it. Also it will be now expected from the writers that they will be putting up some real effort to make reader's money worth it. And of course a writer may choose to keep it free, its just an option.

In coming days a totally new and mature categorization will be in place for our readers. By mature we mean that a lot of brainstorming and analysis is being done to arrive at a final point. It may not be perfect but it will good. It will make life of readers easier to discover content. Also it will promote writing on various topics which our WriterBabus are currently shy of.

Book writing experience will also improve as new tools will be added to make writing easier. There will be option to create your own poll to ask what you actually want to ask from the readers. Currently the author poll for posts and the books don’t reflect author's curiosity attached with his/her writings.

Review writing will be more important and will help readers choose which book to read first. Authors will be able to request other authors and readers to write review in return of some WriterBabu Credits. Reviewers will gain those credits by responding to the request.

The new categorization with new UI will be in place by the end of this week. Week following that will see the induction of custom polls. Request for book review is already live.

The posts will hold the same importance as always to let the creativity flow freely in bits and pieces, for the fun which is writing.

Hope, I made a grammatically correct announcement ... :P

Tags: Writerbabu

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