.....Hmmm...At last got admission in my desired college ST. XAVIER'S!!!!!!....for arts....but the tragedy is that I am my school's science topper!!!...and I feel like laughing the hell out of the situation!!...
But that is not the point of this post...the point is that now I have to travel all the way from my home to CST which is a hell of a distance...but luckily we got trains!!!!...but the main question here is...trains??...I haven't traveled in trains until now..though I am born and still being brought up here....
So two days ago started my train training sessions with my dad...we took a bus from our nearby bus stop and traveled all our way to the station....on our way to station dad
continuously gave me a cricket-like commentary of what stands on the our way to the station....and I even can't say,"Dad, I am not a foreigner. I know the way up the station." but I couldn't because first of all he took out time for this so called training and on the top I start saying this...he might feel offended. So I kept mum and concentrated on his instructions.
We reached the station and he pointed every nook and corner of the station giving me various instructions....At first it was cool that I am learning something new and then everything just went round and round....and the local trains were arriving at an immense speed and the people just pushed with themselves the whole horde of people into the trains..
We missed three trains because dad felt it was too crowded for a training part...and then we our train arrived and suddenly that line struck my mind,'Get on the train baby!' and I quickly dismissed it and as per dad's instructions successfully landed in a fully crowded train...the train was filled with all kinds of people...a salesman was advertising his mattress...someone cracking a joke and my dad....he was still instructing me...and I desperately needed time to absorb everything like stations, platform no.s, and which train and when..and then time to get down.....and I literally plunged on the railway station as I got down...then inertia struck me!!....science 8th standard!!....'Never descend out of a moving object and if you do so continue walking after to descend'....
Next day I literally jumped out of the train and kept walking and one thing which got my attention was my dad was always behind me...pushing me in train or holding me back or just standing...but always protectively shielding me....and then he tested me by getting me almost inside the wrong bus...and I got so bitter with that I was rude to him almost the day but he kept teasing and guiding me no matter what....and I enjoyed it...and then we treated ourselves with McDonalds meal...and sat there for a long time enjoying the stillness unlike the trains.....
For the past two days my mind has been a mess with the trains and now it is clearing everything out and tomorrow I am going for the colossal CST and wish me luck that I don't collapse while getting out of the train and in the process take a few companions with me!!!!....
Maybe I'll write about it too only you readers wish so....

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