With unfaltering rays rises up the sun ,
Radiating it’s shine over the horizon ,
In quite gentle steps the moon walks back ,
Devoid of any qualms like an obedient chap ,
If those white watery clouds wishes to dance ,
Readies mother earth to take in her embrace ,
Those naughty honey bees buzzes all over ,
Blossoms up the daisy shedding off covers ,
When the wind flows amongst the bamboo lands ,
Rambles our harvest joining in hands ,
As ripens on trees that tasty mango green ,
In unison the lovely cuckoo sings .
Some times in life when we get tired ,
Of walking all alone or plans getting get backfired ,
If dreams seem to crumble and feelings fumble ,
Spreading across a lamentable gloom ,
Wait for few moments ,
And just look around .
A beautiful balance is preserved in silence ,
Free from complains and free from pretense ,
Those undeclared understandings ,
Those unsaid promises kept ,
Inspire us ,
To take a new step ,
To believe and trust ,
In “ HIS “ obscure plans ,
Keeping our faith intact ,
Maintaining our calm .
Each time in life when we encounter a new liar ,
There remains a thousand reasons ,
To just get inspired .

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