well thinking of what gonna be the matter inside this article tittled as gamble unplayed ,,,,

oh here i am not going to talk about any game played with rules and regulation ,,, in the sharp and dim lights ... or alternate of both but instead a game played by alll of us once some times twice and who can afford they can increase there number of attempts ,,,


as a women going to cross ... 23 years of her life soon ... and now pressurise to play the game ,.. but there is no excitement to be the player of same ,,, or feeling what if i won ... but yes there is great fears in heart of loosing the same ...

i dont know about love marriages but ,, indeed ,,, arrange marriages which are common in my caste and my culture ,,, i could see this thing as a gamble where only only luck ,,, matters ,,, if it turns good life can gift you unexpected levels of happiness ,,, then expected ,,, and vicecersa is also implied ,,, if things didnt turned well ,, ,,, and that situation is worse ,,,

seeing todays scenario and judging people all around me either married or unmarried ,,, my eyes ,, just keep digging the emotional stateS of people around ,,, and i find its better ... LET THIS GAMBLE BE LEFT UNPLAYED ,,,

,, i beleive person can fight ,, with anything and anyone in the world ,,, if courageous ,,, but emotions make a person hollow from inside there are always two points one favours you and your inner satisfaction and other contradictng the both ..... and here comes ,,, which to choose .. why to choose ,,,

i am afraid ... of such situations ,,, and then when my brains are jammed i go watch some bollywood romantic flick ,, and say romance is only good on screens ,, in real life things are much different and more real ,,

but beleive me at this point of time ,,, its much more sattisfying if i let the gamble unplayed ,,,,

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