functionality is the name of teh game..god/creator is far more intelligent than you and me and has created everything on purpose..whtever that purpose we're talking of functionality why is anything important?
so why is humor important? ya for the average joe like you and me, it is a way of life, aint it..what would we do without a lil perspective of "funny" in our miserable little lives..but then, is it only with the small ones like us? i doubt.
ever thought of the super guys like batman/superman/spiderman/iron-man/shaktiman/hanuman? what do they have in common after all?
you got it right.....they are buffoons by the day and cool by the night..!! so everyone needs the dose of humor to charge their batteries..or else your mind would go numb for want of some real fun dude..!
So HUMOR is functional..! yeda banke khao peda..!

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