I wish I could know some abuses!
I cannot let others take away my peace for nothing!
If some bastard gets attracted towards you and then forces you to live the dream he sees, then you don't need even to give a shit to him!
How fair can it be to push someone, force someone to be with you when they detest you! or when they don't want to be!!
I say to hell with such people!
Then threatens you to ruin your life when you deny them!!
Is it fair??
no one has any right to bound you with him/herself under gun point!!
They threaten you cz they are weak, not you!
now, this is just not my way of talking!
But, when people start taking advantage of your politeness, you don't need to be patient anymore!
Give them a fucking response they deserve!!
Not every body deserves your politeness!!
I would rather say,
such men are wolves hunting for their drugs!!!
Hate them!
I wish there was some other word more worse than just "hate"!
I wish, I just had my father alive!!
Now, I am done with my patience!
I am fine,
cz one day everything is gonna be okey!
I don't care when such dogs bark!!
cz if you stop to throw stone at every dog that barks at you, then you cannot reach your destiny!!

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