I don’t understand hypocrisy in today’s politics.
I thought being a leader was about gaining trust
If we would act this way, they would say we were sick
And putting us in jail would be a must

Liar, liar your holey pants are on fire
This is what we said to our friend
These guys in DC, the fire has consumed their whole attire
Their terms in office I would like to amend.

Wow, what a farce it is not just here in our states
It’s all over the world and it is very sad
Man does what he wants to suit his mates
And to make other people mad makes them really glad

Oh, my, I almost want to cry or scream
My heart aches from all of the deceit
I’d go forward in a minute to the ultimate dream
Of a world where everyone cared if I had enough to eat

One day and I predict very soon
Just wait and watch and you will see
It may not be today or even at noon
A deliverer from heaven will come to be.

Excuse me for my ramblings today
I’m just so frustrated with all the news around
Bear with me and pray with me all day
There is coming a brighter day..what a good sound.

Tags: Dreams

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