An Angel is knocking on my door.
Do i let her in ?
Maybe she felt my loneliness from heaven,
and came to save me from myself.

The Angel knocking on my door,
knows how much i'm afraid of loneliness.
Maybe she wants to rescue my soul from a war.
The Angel knows, she knows the path i'm choosing,
will lead to the black hole.

The Angel knocking on my door, seems to be familiar.
I knew it was her all the time.
She is here to save me.
Why do you want to save me ? i'm not worthy, i disappointed you so much.
Forgive me please, i always take the wrong path.
My mind controls everything, my heart is so weak.
And i don't think, i can start again .. not now.

The roses have fade away, and the Angel is still here.
She's waiting for my soul to heal. So you'll be here for a long time anyway.
I've saw the angel in my dreams and that means nothing's right.
I broke my promises, i lost my dreams, i betrayed myself.
I was the sadness in her eyes.

"i'm sorry" i said.
And i know deep inside, she'll be by my side.. til the day i won't need her.

P.s I miss you Grandma.

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