“Ankara, come on now. We have to go.” Said Jiya, Ankara’s friend.
“Jiya, hope you are not going to Karan’s party. have you forgiven Karan for what he did?”
Anky, it is ok now Karan, Smruti did it for their team. That also five years ago. You can forgive them.”
“Jiya, Anky what are you talking about?” Said Radhika, Jiya’s cousin.
“You do not know anything right? Come I will tell you. The train will need a day to go to Kolkata. On the way I can tell you.” Jiya said.
They persuaded Ankara to go.
“ Now the story. And it begins five years ago when we were in 11th probably..................yes 11th . We had a group of Karan, Anky, me and Smruti. We had a lot of fun but one day a competition was announced.
‘Jiya, have you seen the new competition notice.’ Anky said.
‘No.’ I answered.
‘There will be 3 rounds and a selection round. The winning team will get 5 lack rupees as an award. The selection round is on next Friday. Come on now.’ Anky said.
I went to see the notice. The first round was a mixture of Quiz and studies. 120 multiple questions were given and we had to solve them within an hour. I was sure that I would not get selected but unfortunately I got. I cursed my bad luck. I knew that I may or may not win 5 lacks but I would surely lose 5 friends. I planned my best to perform my worst but Anky was my partner and then her interest may also get affected. As long as we are in a team all the member’s intrest should be protected.
Karan and Smruti were in a team and Me and Anky. There were 3 other teams.
‘Should we fight with our friends for 5 lacks only. Friends are more precious than money.’ Karan said
‘Next time you go to buy a dress then tell give me a dress and in return take five friends. In short use friends as a means of currency.’Smruti said.
‘Shut up.’I said
‘stop it now. If we have to go against our friends then we have to. In life we have to compromise many things.’Anky said.
The first competition was talent search. Each team had to select one co- curricular activity and perfom that. Specialist in that field would come and rate it out of ten. The higher the team gets the more the points. We chose singing as we both are good in it. Karan and Smruti chose writing. They cheated. They copied from internet. We got 9 stars and they 9.5.
The second competition was bike racing. Each team had 2 members. One member had to drive the bike and another had to sit behind and tell the map by memorising it. They again cheated. They memorised the shortcuts when they clearly knew it was prohibited. They obviously won.

The third and the final round was time management round. There both the partners would be given a few chores to do. They have to plan their duty in such a way that they complete the whole chore in the given time. That was the only round where they played fairly. They won it.
Karan and Smruti won. We were not upset because of that. The real reason was something else.
After they got the money our principal announced that they had to compete with another school. Karan and Smruti had gone to the competition and we lost. Not because they played badly but because the school gave them money to lose and they lost. Anky is not wrong. Our school lost its pride.”
“Didi, Anky di is not wrong.” Radhika said.
“Yes Radha but not right either. Since 5 years she is waiting to take the revenge. Anky can’t you forgive them now.” Jiya said.
“No Jiya. The war has begun.”
They station soon arrived. Reluctantly Ankara went to the school but did not talk to Smruti and Karan.
“Jiya, I understand that for us the school has lost its pride but our school did need some money. All the fund was emptied when we won. The school was in debt and needed some money. If we hadn’t given the money then the school would have closed. But I really regret the loss and today I have challenged the same Matin school to defeat us. Today we again have to compete with them. We have to defeat them in paragliding and if we do we can revive our lost honour.” Smruti said.
“Jiya, Smru is right. Will you both support us?”
“Yes surely.” Ankara said.
“Thanks Anky.”
They divided themselves into groups. But Martin school had professionals.
“It is ok. If friends are with us then nothing is impossible.” Anky said.
They went for paragliding in teams. Both the schools had two teams. Martin school was leading for a few minutes but suddenly Anky and jiya took the lead. One of the parachutes of Martin school got stuck in a tree.”

But the competition was won by Karan because groups of Martin school tried to take the shortcut and got stuck in trees.
“We have reclaimed our lost honour.” Smruti said.
“If there is cheating in Friendship then there surely is forgiveness.” Ankara said.
The school was again in debts but the students helped to repay them. Finally Ankara forgave Karan and Smruti and they enjoyed the reunion party.

Tags: Friendship

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