At the end of day what kills me inside
is not a confusion of my mind
its just that i dont ve neone by myside
there r many thoughts,i need to bind

I wonder every second,where did all my happiness go ?
life's become an uninteresting show
my best buddies made me feel low
are they d same ppl who i actually know ?

The sweet and cute face has bcome scary for them
ppl call me a bitch,but i used to b a gem !
unable to stand all those cold stares and blame
but they dont give a shit,as its juss a lifetym game

They say am selfish and i neva cared
but weneva they needed me i always stayed
they used to make me smile weneva i cried
n now each drop of tear i shed,they r d reason behind

I used to stay up all night just to wake him up and
i ve known her tears drop by drop
but am thrown away frm d group
i now realize,that i've landed in a soup !

No worries, no tears nemore
happiness is knocking on my door
tell them am leaving them behind
but they still have a place in my mind..

All the care,all d love i gave..
pain n suffering were my reward..
so,i now expect nothing but
atleast let me peacefully move to my end...

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