I was quietly reading my storybook, when suddenly,

"Bonne apres-midi les enfants", said the french teacher as she entered the class, to the disappointment of everyone present.(She said 'good afternoon kids', in case you don't understand).

There was not a single soul of the whole class who did not hate this class. As everyone stood up for the 'good afternoon madam' greeting, I remained seated.. probably out of frustration. Never was I on high spirits in the french class. Every time the miss enter the classroom, its not denied that we are in for an hour of torture.

You must be wondering what kind of torture, right?

10 minutes into the 'endurance trial'(as I call it), you start feeling asleep. Yawning every two or three minutes was not at all surprising. Sometimes I actually fall asleep! Would you believe it?? Have to rely on fellow classmates to wake me up, as if I am caught sleeping, I'm in serious trouble..

This is endurance.. Have to manage not to doze off for a whole hour! If only I can tell how much I hate that woman(the teacher)!! I hate her voice, her hairstyle, her stupid dresses, and most importantly her loads of homework..

:(.. I have to endure this shit for the next 7 months..

Tags: Short Story

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