At this point, I am on the verge of killing someone,someone so close that I feel stiffled.

Yes,the story is well long enough but I know the right thing to do is to forgive and get past my issues so I can be at peace, but, how do we forgive someone who does not even realise the wrong they do or if they do they dont care to fix things coz' its easier for them.

I have been debating this issue for a long time in my mind and had actually decided that No, we cannot forgive until someone comes and ask for forgiveness.

One day, however, I was no more angry with particular people I had grudges against and I realised that I had forgiven them despite their not having realised their mistake or their not asking me for forgiveness.

Relieved and free on one side, on the second,I was not sure of whether it should be this way because I kept thinking that those people will still have the attitude that led towards the incident,I was against.

And, with that attitude and despite not being angry anymore,incidents of the previous sort will still occur and the relationships will never be mended this way.

I have not found my answer as such but, somehow, I think we should not wait for them to ask for forgiveness, let them be the way they are for however long they want to.When they do realise,if they do that should be their problem and not ours at all.

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