I was cold. I sat with my arms hugging my body on
the step outside my house. I was cross. My sister
had been annoying me again and I shouted at her.
I threw her doll out of the window. My dad told me
to go and get it and not to be so silly. I stamped
outside and slammed the door. Why should I get her stupid doll? What did I care if it got wet in the
rain? It didn’t matter to me. The porch over the
front door was small, but it was keeping me dry. I
didn’t want to go back indoors again. I started
shivering. I only had my tee shirt on. The front door opened a crack. My sister peeped
through it at me. I pretended not to see her. ‘I’m sorry, Tom,’ she said. ‘I didn’t mean to annoy
you.’ Suddenly I felt better. I looked up. ‘Come back in Tom,’ she said. ‘I’ll lend you my
snake toy if you like.’ I jumped down off the step and ran into the
garden. There under the tree was her doll. I picked
it up. It cried. It was one of those dolls. I ran back in
through the front door. My sister took the doll and
gave it a hug. She pulled me through to the living
room and put her snake toy in my hand. ‘I’m sorry too, ‘I said. ‘Is your doll OK?’ ‘She doesn’t mind getting wet,’ said my sister, ‘I
gave her a bath yesterday!’ Suddenly I felt much better. I felt happy again, and
warm. We played a good game with the doll and
the snake. The snake was magic and it could bring
the doll anything it wanted. And you know what
the doll wanted? She wanted a big brother to play
with. So I pretended to be the doll’s big brother. My sister does think up some strange games!

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