The wonderful and interesting topic for me as well as for everyone. As we all people believe that we have to leave this world after a specific time period. Everyone lives their life for special or unique interval. Because it's the rule of Islam. The world would be finished. Now every person have different timer period of living in this world. When he is born he sees the world, and sees the different things and occasion here.
He passes his life with so many ups and downs. When we up bring we have lots of criteria to live, where some prominent features of human life which remembered the person after his death or with his absence are helping, moral support and kind attitude. The moral support is the most lovely and interesting feature of human life that if a person is depressed or in any trouble give him your moral support in this way his tension will be reduced half and he fetch out from the hole of trouble.
Helping is a powerful factor if you help any one for their bad time, it will be remarkable for the whole life. There are many types of helping if you see any people needy around you. You help him by giving useful things or by giving money without acknowledgement of any third person. Or if any old lady or old man you found around you give them some time from your life and share some happiness with them. If you found hungry people give them meal this is the most important way of helping, also ALLAH like it so much.
If you found any trust or academy of handicap and mentally challenging people give them some small gift and strength to live their lives with courage, hope and happiness. Your even small act of helping, small act of spreading happiness is meaningful for the people. Our life is very temporary so do your best which will remain permanent. The main aim of our life is to do best in this world and get best in heaven. This is our very short life. There is no such things are counts like your money, your achievements at the Day of Judgment. The real achievement is your behavior, your attitude and your deeds.
The above mentioned things are the real cause of your liking or your remembrance; people remembered you after your death and call your name in the list of good people. There is no such value of luxuries, because luxuries are for the world not for the life after death. Do best from your side; avoid bad deeds and evil act. Provide facility and ease for everyone.Don't think badly for any one, you have to be accountable for all your bad deeds and behaviors. Good people don’t need to remember they are actually not forgettable. Always show best from your side don’t compare your life with others. Life is gift of GOD so enjoy it with your best and rest is always best.

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