Every morning I wake up earlier than you just to admire
the innocence on your face while you sleep. I adore you
from a distance when you are getting dressed. I love the
way you put your hair behind your ear with you finger. I
love the look in your eyes when you cook for me and
make me eat the first bite with your hands. I feel a tickle
in my heart when I see you bite your lip in the middle of
our romantic conversations. You make me go weak in my
knees when I blow kisses in the air and you blush like a
little girl. Every time I embrace you I cherish your softness
and warmth within my soul. I fall in love with you over
and over again each day You made me a die hard
romantic and now nothing in this world can change that
in me because I have the most beautiful and sensuous
woman in my arms. I am in love with your existence in my
life and I can't imagine a day without you in my life. I
love you kaddu :-) :-*

::::: PK <3 MâĎĎÝ :::::

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