Centuries before they all were born,
in the castle of our beloved Lord!
Fate decides it all and engraved it on the golden board.
The stars and moons were positioned well,
even the sun was asked to be placed beside her bed.
An ineluctable rendezvous it was,
hosted by the dear reaper and entertained by his hogs.
The purpose as usual was to bid goodbye,
but this time the departing one was the women who brought them all to life.
It was disheartening to bury the one who taught them how to walk and talk,
after all she was the one ‘coz of whom they survived all the odds.
Men from work arrived;
women left their houses to see her for the last time.
Daughters and sons look at each other with remorse and pain,
motionless and silent across the floor she lays.
Ah! Irony how can anyone forget the wicked role which you played,
‘coz sadly this is how she usually stayed.
Those seeking eyes her were finally at rest,
that painful mind of her was worried no more.
For she was gone who hugged them all,
for she was gone who loved them all.
And to say that she died is simply unjustified,
but as the daughter of the daughter described, ‘the lady of the house has died’.

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