Basically, this is a description of what happens after a break-up! And why you shouldn't wrack your brains with "how to get over" (not that you can help it! :P... And on a serious note, I wish this never happens to anybody).
Okay.. so, let's begin.
There are various after-breakup stages.
~The Blackout state..
If it came in as a shock, you are sure to go through this phase. The time duration of it, could vary from a few hours to a week at the most. It is the stage of maximum brain inactivity. You will be totally blank most of the time. Take deep breaths and don't try to fall asleep, that would be like attempting suicide twice 'coz you would wake up to believe it was a dream. Hydrate yourself (water is never harmful :P). Survive it.
~The bereft state..
A sense of being left all alone. Although you might have people around, the one person who was your world is now gone. Sad, would be an understatement. You cry like you are made of nothing but tears. The time duration would vary from a week to a month, in extreme cases. Always keep yourself in the company of family and friends, nothing works like it. Do not escape, face it. Feel free to cry, it is only the malach being washed away. Not crying is a characteristic of the weak, all strong people cry and wash away the weaknesses and start afresh.. :)
~The gloomy state..
It is the state of depression. You are finally tired of crying, but you are still very negative. Ranges from a time period of a week to a few months. Again, spend time with family and friends. Never stay alone, Satan attacks where negativity exists.
~The hollow state..
A long termed hollowness, emptiness. A totally bland state. Ranges from a time period of a week to a few months, in extreme cases. Distract yourself. Fantasizing celebrities is effective and has no side effects. Engage yourself into a new hobby, or pay more attention to an existing one. Stay with people who make you happy. Avoid negative people (you don't want an action replay).
~Inferiority complex..
You would suddenly develop this sense of inferiority complex (you got dumped 'coz you lacked something). And you would misinterpret God's master plan of you ending up with a better future as a stack of total emotional bullshit that you should clean-up ASAP. :) Start loving yourself. To begin with, make a list of all the positives in you and concentrate on them. You will be surprised at your ignorance! Like seriously, you've been yourself ever since you were born! :P And you still don't know about yourself?? And you pretty much know every single detail of that wretched person you've known for a year or two or maybe even less than that! Pretty unlucky and stupid! Rectify this ASAP. Sometimes you need to be your own saviour. Sometimes, you need to give all your time to yourself :)
You will hope the person comes back to you. You might even feel like initiating a correspondence. That's just Satan's doing, ignore it. Don't let out your weak sides to anyone. Be strong and resist forcibly. Nothing is worse than losing your self-worth.
~Sincere hate..
Now we are on the right track! Yippee! You will start hating the person, like hell. Deep, sincere hate. Hate is the purest of emotions. But be careful, Satan has a wicked plan again. He will try to divert your attention to revenge. And you already know what we do with Satan, yes, we ignore him. :P Let the poor thing get fed up of us! Meditate, stay calm. Pray, we need God. Whichever form of God (by form I do not mean religion, i mean your idea of God) you believe in, seek refuge and you will never be disappointed :) Atheists, you can go and watch scenic beauty. It helps. Or get an aquarium, look at the fishes daily for an hour or two. :)
~Regret and disgust..
~Complete indifference..

Although you've been through a lot, you are safe now :) You will start living your life as you used to, but be careful and don't land-up in the same situation again!

Good luck... smile, live and prosper :)

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