The first thing one notices about a woman is..
ahhh..her EYES!
Sorry to disappoint you, men!
But her eyes are so expressive.

Transparent, her eyes reveal everything..her joy, sadness, her defeat, victory..
but the amazing actress she actually is..
she tries and tries to hide her true feelings. She smiles when she wants to cry, she laughs when she wants oh so badly to bang someone on the head.

But the trick is to look into her eyes. Doesn't matter if they are small, narrow, slanting or wide, as big as saucers.
Her eyes mirror the true state of her soul.

Now turning to a man..
what strikes you at first glance??
Sorry, gals, you are dismayed.
('Cause it's not the presence or absence of his biceps!)
But that faint STUBBLE on his chin!

A stubble is the true indicator of a man.
A well shaven man seems bereft of ideas..just like he's bereft of his beard. He is boring and looks feminine.
But a bearded man shows how busy he is, with no time to even shave. He is definitely an intellectual!
But the man with a faint stubble takes the cake!
He looks desirable and intelligent at the same time!
Awesome combination.

So women do you agree????

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