He was at a party, when he saw her. He, a simpleton and she so gorgeous looking, with that hour glass figure.

The music blared, young people danced. But he had eyes only for her.
He kept gazing at her surreptitiously. She was quite unaware.

Finally, mustering enough courage, he went up to her and asked, "May I?"
She didn't reply.
He took it for a yes.

He grabbed her, holding her by the waist, began dancing to the tunes of "Dum maaro dum."
The party in top notch now, he so exhausted, finally slumped to his knees.

He, now slightly bolder, asked her, "Can I?"
She didn't reply.

He took off the cap, waited for the fizz to cool off..then slurped off the entire contents in one go.
Then, holding his love in both palms, he crushed her into one wretched piece.

She lay motionless.
His bottle of Mirinda.
His first crush.

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