Here’s to all the girls who don’t fake their
identities and don’t pretend to be what they are
not. To the ones who are passionate about life
and want to fulfill their dreams. To the ones
who are not attention seekers. To the ones who
don’t wear their heart on their sleeves and don’t
make relationships for social security and social
status. To the ones who refuse to be victims of
sexual, mental and social abuse.To the ones
who don’t fight to make a place in a man’s life
but make themselves deserving by their honest
and reliable behavior. To the ones who don’t
hide their emotions and cry when they hear sad
songs . To the ones who stand tall and strong
after going through all the mess in their lives.
To the ones who want to fall in love and stay in
love for the rest of their lives.
Here’s to all those girls who are ...Fighters,
Survivors, and Lovers..

::::: PK ♥MâĎĎÝ :::::

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