I've seen men do strange things. Like moving their knees in a vibratory motion when engrossed in deep conversation. The knees move together, outwards to inwards.
The more interesting the topic, the faster the movement.
You feel like just grabbing both knees and keeping them still for a movement. It's so distracting.
As it is, it's difficult to get both legs together..they're usually so wide apart.

Then there are others who do it with the eye. One guy kept winking at me, but I soon realized it was involuntary, developed into this habit of shutting one eye every two seconds. I found it real funny.
Maybe he had been winking all through college, so now as a married man it was tough to stop it.

Some men walk one mile ahead of their poor, stodgy wives who struggle to keep pace with them. One man I know forgot completely that she was with him and went off on his own.

Women do get fastidious too. The saree pallu, the dupatta, any loose piece of cloth draped over their body keeps them in this relentless struggle to just set it perfect all the time. She refuses to bend down to pick up something lest her saree gets unpleated in the process. The makeup just perfect, hair not to be outdone..they spent literally a whole day readying themselves for that super cool wedding reception.

Teens, the ones who tear newly bought jeans just to look fashionable. Hair set in curlers then straightened with flat, hot iron, after some days permed into waves.
Short hair with added extensions, longish hair tied into a top knot..we all want what we don't have.

Blunt nose does a nose job to get a sharper one. Small breasts go in for silicone. Big women crave for a smaller feel.

The fetish fever never really ends.

Tags: Habits

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