So S texts me a usual women-always-bicker-men-can’t-breathe-courtesy-our bickering joke. I reply with a 'LOL'. He replies ‘I love you for not over reacting’ I am like…overreact at what? He tells me that he sent the same message to another gal friend of his and…she blew the lid. I ask why. He says ‘she is a hardcore feminist…and feels that people should stop joking at their expense’ what could I say…now I know S very well and know he respects women to the hilt and would never spread a message which would insult womanhood. But that made me sit back and reflect on what the actual definition of feminism is. Oxford says: noun
[Mass noun] the advocacy of women’s rights on the ground of the equality of the sexes.

Now, how is a joke at the expense of womanhood denying the equal rights to women? In fact, its an absolute equality since every other joke is about male bashing! Now before u think that I am some guy in disguise of a girl, allow me to present my opinion. According to me, the definition of feminism is becoming shallow with every passing day. I believe every woman has a feminist somewhere in her. And I am no different. Do you get disgusted when you hear about molestation? Do rape stories horrify you? Do you feel female feticide needs to stop? If your answer to even one of the questions is yes, then you are a feminist. Irrespective of your sex. Now my knowledge might be sparse but correct me if any law specifies that feminism can be followed by a woman only? What would you call the thousands of men that stood up and fought for the ‘Nirbhaya’ case? Chauvinistic pigs? Why can’t I call em feminists?
These days women resort to feminism as an excuse for whatever they cannot explain. You drive in the wrong lane, still YOU fight. Ask why. Oh…you are a feminist. In south, even today a girl’s maternal uncle has the first right as a groom. And FYI this not some village or back alley thingy. It is an ancient tradition which continues even today (although at a much lower rate) and happens in the most elite of families. Shocked are you? Where is the feminism now? Just because it’s a ‘tradition’ we are supposed to stay shut?
People feminism is not an excuse to get away with something that is technically wrong! If you feel you are being denied what is rightfully yours, feel free to fight for it. That is feminism. I agree men should be chivalrous but you cannot fight with them for not opening the door for you. A disgusted glance would be enough (maybe!).
So, be a feminist enough to laugh at the next girl-y/wife-y joke you here :D
Loads of love,


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