I am a fortunate man. I was raised by incredible Christian parents, who even before they entered the ministry in 1959, brought my three brothers, my sister and I in the knowledge of the Lord. We had family worship almost every night even when we protested because Bonanza or Have Gun Will Travel was on the television. (Yea, they were in black and white, at first any way.)

As a family we entered the ministry and everything changed. We moved from the Bay Area of California into the desert of Nevada. Well, it's really not a desert but I have to say, none of us boys were really thrilled with the move. Eventually we got used to being in the Sage Brush State.

We participated in ministry, and played sports. We grew close as a family. Eventually we five, with mom's help, started singing in our little church on the Indian Reservation, as well as in churches all over Northern California and Nevada. We sang together while in the car during powerful rain storms, and everywhere we went a person could hear the rumbling of Gospel Music from our family and church gatherings.

My mission, as well as the rest of my siblings, was to minister to the lost in our world in every way we can. My twin bothers, Dan and Daryel have ministered around the world in various capacities. My brother Jon, has ministered in music and in his church since he was in his early twenties. My little sister has been a Christian school teacher in California for nearly 30 years.

Mother and Dad completed over fifty years pf ministry and were married sixty-three and half years when dad passed away in 2010. They taught us about family and how it should be. We weren't the quietest or the smartest, at least I wasn't, but God chose to be in charge of every move we've made over the years. He is still using us today.

I was probably the child they prayed for the most. I had my problems over the years but I came out all right. My wife, Jan and I have taught in Christian and in public schools for many years. In the last 23+ years we have had various job and had the opportunity to live in Alaska in the 90's. We gained a lot of experiences that have inspired me to write about Alaska. I am currently writing book four of a series entitled, The Northern Force.

This Northern Force is a group, or a family, of believers who were left behind when, what Bible scholars call the rapture, had taken place. The saga follows a young teenager, Izzy, and her old trapper friend, Geo through The Tribulation. Other families joined with the two friends and they seek to survive in a wicked and dangerous climate as is pictured in the last book of the good book.
In the adventure the Force seeks to stay close just as a family. Everyone had each other's back when it came to trouble, which was plentiful in the series. Though I know I'm ready to meet the Lord when he returns, I pictured myself in the midst of this story. The Northern Force Book Series was written for all ages and many have shared with me haw they have enjoyed it.

Currently I have an excerpt of book four on my face book page: www.facebook.com/The Northern Force Book Series or at www.thenorthenforce.com.

Also, you will find excerpts of three other books I am currently working on as well as another Alaskan thriller I have published called, The Truth Alaska Style. Find where to find those in www.thenorthernforce.com.

Family is so important in this the twenty-first century. I have no idea where many of my cousins are, and I feel so sad. My Aunt just passed away and we have no communications with some of our cousins. My other Aunt had a stroke a year ago and we found out yesterday. My cousins, whom I have been talking to, have decided, we are family and always will be. We are going to invite all of my mom's family and get together and renew the love of family while we have a chance.

FAMILY, it's a lost art.

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