Girls don’t always know what they want
Say something sweet, she likes it. This is one of
the best things that you guys should always
remember doing, as often as you could
especially when she’s not in the mood. A little
appreciation about how good she is looking in
your date and when she smells great is
something that would put a smile on her face
even just for a while and would soon ease the
tensions within her.
Girls always think that they could look better,
so guys should inform them of their beauty
Never compare her to other women, even your
own mom
Girls try to hint at what they want from guys,
they don’t like to say it
A guys girlfriend wants to be the only hand that
he wants to hold
If girls flirt with their guy friends in front of their
boyfriends, it usually doesn’t mean anything
except that they’ve been friends with that guy
longer then you have been their boyfriend. Don’t
get offended
If a girl wants to meet a guys family, let them.
It means they care
When a girl will ditch her friends to hang out
with a guy, its a big deal
Girls don’t like to like guys that aren’t over their
Girls don’t like to talk about ex’s
When a girl doesn’t feel good, she doesn’t talk
If a girl is mad at her boyfriend, she doesn’t
want to say anything about it, she just wishes
he’d know
When girls don’t want to talk about their ex-
boyfriend, shes probably not completely over
If a girl will sit by her boyfriend’s friends, she
really cares about him
When a guy still loves a girl at her worst look, it
lets her think that he is sincere about her
Girls love surprises and gifts especially during
important occasions
A girl may expect something from her boyfriend
but that doesn’t mean she’s a gold digger
Girls love to cuddle!

::::: PK ♥MâĎĎÝ :::::

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