what is this on WB??
beware you and me
people here question you
victims thinking - "what to do ??"

justify yourself or stay calm
write ups pin pointing you

why do you write erotic??
what is so exotic??
you face criticism
your write ups favor eroticism

this topic wasn't over when a new one came
for no one it was , anonymous it aim :D

comments so long
now write ups are shy
scrolling down the post
fingers die

think about the misery
of authors who reply
they have to read the whole comment
ohh my !

irony it is
now i am pointing a new
ohh dear visiting faculty
don't lash on me ... i agree with you ! :D

see guys
poking nose is a habit
of everyone in this worl'
so don't think much
write write write let the pen swirl :)

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