Delhi gang rape.this is the topic which is there in every news paper,news channel.People are protesting every where in India.But then i thought at another angle of this rape case.Why there is so many rape case in India. But the sad part is that the it is not limited to only rape but brutal killing of the victim or victim suffer serious injuries by the rapist.why a person need to rape a girl to fulfill his desire,is there no other way.Why a sexual desire reach such a height that a person need to rape a girl.Even after sex their desire are not fulfilled that the rapist try to injure the victim by inserting a rod in her private part.Is there a big difference between the fantasies of sex and actually having sex.Why six person in the bus after having sex with the girl, brutally injured that girl.Is that their fantasies of sex was not fulfilled which took the brutal way out.

Tags: Philosophy

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