I Want A Guy Who Respect My Mom n Dad Like His Own..
I Want A Guy Who At least Try To Understand My
Feelings.. Yes He Can Fight With Me But Never Give Up
On Me..
I Want A Guy Who Feels Proud To Have Me.. Who Never
Feel Annoy In Front Of His Friends When M With Him..
I Dont Want Someone Who Have BMW , MONEY , Big
Houses.. Nahh.. I Dont Want..
I Want A Guy Who Ready To Walk With Me In Front Of
Whole World.. I Dont Want Big House Or Palace.. I Just
Want Sweet Home Were We Can Live Happily With Our
I Dont Want Guy Who Treats Me Like "Princess" (My PAPA
Is Enough For That) But He Should Respect Me..
Actually The Truth Is I Dont Want Anything I Just Want
Love , Trust , Faith From Him.. !!

::::: PK ♥MâĎĎÝ :::::

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