Ever noticed, how little things often make us happy?

The little birds chirping
the love song of the mynas
droplets of romantic rain splattering onto your window pane....
smell of fresh rain-bathed mud...


The early morning rays of energy soaked
vita-D loaded sunshine...
The sweetest smile of loving Mom
as she awakens you to another fresh, new day..

Cute bark-like noises of the puppy-in-a-hurry-to-grow-up
adorable kittens lying full length basking in the morning rays
cows lolling around lazily, munching all day on the greenest grass
.. exquisite flowers, classy in shades and hues, singing, swaying with the breeze..

Flashily colored butterflies, playing catch-catch over the greens
simmering waters reflecting back some of its received warmth
the spotless white swan doing an effortless ballet the length of the stream
sea gulls and flamingos, both diving for the fish in the pond..

C'mon lets soak ourselves in these natural wonders..
forget our tensions
Let's be happy once more.

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