Sitting on the roadside bench with the sounds of twittering birds flying to their homes, not so unnoticeable swarm of running traffic and in the midst of all, passengers trying to wait for their turn of crossing with beggars making their own comfortable way to the gaadiwaalas, I linger for not so uncommon evening walk with you, when being carried away in my own blossomed way through your heart like those flock of birds in the sky, chitchatting and loquaciously vibrant me to let you know all odds and evens of life through my eyes. The walk when crossing roads was never an attentive task for me as my hands in yours always assured I am safe on the other side too. The walk when sometimes even if we didn’t speak we could reassure for each other’s well-being as we were still then be together, the walk for which I always pray to linger till infinity, sometimes to the sea shore, sometimes through busy streets, sometimes through rusty roads, sometimes to the mountains, and sometimes simply to our arena for a halt of tea and snacks and you comfortably walking with sipping tea while me following with a constant battle to have my sip, the walk when dimple never struggled to spread on my cheek and the walk when neither the path nor the destination took my attention as you were both for me.
I know life is not always the same, but right here with all my present apprehensions in conflict with our busy schedules and distant relation polarizing us to the ponderous sink of loneliness with intangible webs, I want you to atleast peep in once and see the evening which is luckily still a synchronous event at our places and feel the difference if u can. I never thought of explaining the unsaid but today my heart pounds at a rate to win a marathon and reach the winning post to be the first one to make an announcement of past. The day we departed was the day I was bestowed with innumerous paths for the same destination and I chose to wait as all paths were devoid of that evening walk where instead of all my struggles, I learnt to have my sip of tea while walking as comfortably as you can, the walk when the loquacious me silently learnt to be a perfect listener like you, the walk when firmness and grip of your holding hands whispered a magical spell on mine to return the same warmth and firmness at your pace to assure our safety at the other end of the road.
Today, I wish to tell you that life is short but full of myriads of colors to explore, sometimes it’s the lighter shade and sometimes the darker, but without you sitting on this roadside bench it all seems to be colourless, and at your place if you can’t see the colours either, I invite you for the same evening walk where I am all ready to love and learn things and ameliorate our lives together with beautiful shades of colours, the walk when I will be assure for either’s well being , progress, do’s and dont’s, until we meet the following day for our same never lasting Evening walk.

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