Even when the sun fades at the dusk
and after those iron statues standing so proud
above the crowd
promising of being a hero,
begin to rust,
even when the darkness takes its place high above
and those rays of hope
disappears nd its time we have to cope
with what awaits- hatred or love,
With those flickering stars turning dim
bereft of the brightness it once possessed
while we from down,
on the filthy ground
with affection, with awe-
suddenly disappears and we know that
maybe, maybe it's forever.
Would it be again not filled to the brim?
Even when I realise that the end is near,
why rays of hope still touch me
never let me sink into reality?
Why is it that even if I fear, I tend not to fear?
Why is it that dreams are still mine,
no matter what's said or done?
Why we believe things still would happen?
That day would come
when we again would be one?
Am I still intoxicated by the wine
which never ever had touched mine lips?
And even when mighty storm surrounds
Putting my dreams behind bars and bounds
Why heart still aches? Still wails? Still weeps?
Is it because it's still a kid?
That inspite of knowing that we have grown
inspite of truth that has been shown
it loves to disown
what it feels is not its own.
Why is it never ready to accept the defeat?
"Even when sun hides behind clouds"
It explains,
and when they bring a heavy rain
Yet it never loses its beauty
and what's done by the clouds, all in vain.
Doesn't the sun make itself proud?
Why does every time the heart fail to believe
Whatever seen by it, was all so true
and yet it dreams of a lovely love
as soft as fur
as pure as dove
with two souls together, me and you
Why it keeps pleading for chances
to improve, to renew,
to start afresh
Why is it ready to mingle into the darkness
to find again the sunshine so bright?

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