The city's running and running
as if in a hurry so tearing
time's relentless pursuing
To earn their bread n butter

Kids learning desperately only to unlearn
As they busily outdo others on each rung of success' ladder
Young men slogging to have a life
Wooing competitively for the prettiest wife
Daughters-in-law yearning for ma-in-law's nod
Priests tinkling their shrill cymbals nonstop
To please their chosen god

The geologist's relentless drilling
The dentist's painful filling
The inspector's grueling grilling
Heat sozzled crowds in the mall milling
Grinning pickpockets making a fine killing

Kids' career sends up to date moms scurrying
Soaring finances, perspiring dads left worrying
Daughter's sizzling affairs
Fills them up with multiplied cares

Tall, straight grass pathetically seeking a haircut
Plumpy, black, errant buffaloes thundering down narrow roads
Restless little fidgety sqirrels
Nut crunching
The vultures' call to fellow mates
Horrifyingly gut wrenching

River flows by in a rush
As if to catch the next local
Lashing its rocks mercilessly
Frustrated lovers stand on its brink hopelessly

All of creation seems to be on an unending journey
Just going and going
But reaching nowhere
In an eternal rat race.

Tags: Poetry

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