I met him years ago
Oh what a day twas
I felt so happy so free
My burdens just rolled away
Ripples of joy sprung up from deep within
I changed from inside out

My values changed
Outlook changed
Twas sheer peace inside
Indescribably out of the world

My manners changed
Rudeness vanished
Dullness vanquished
Poor grades transformed
Friendships reformed
I was born again

Once twenty first in class
Now consistently standing first
Accolades and prizes followed
Teachers praised me
I wondered astounded
Surely it was as if in a dream
It surely couldn't be me
Things that once held me
Now ceased to do so again
My spirit so dead
Had suddenly come alive

His words mesmerized me
That I'd had taken for granted all along
A new talk..new walk
A new lifestyle altogether

Former friends mocked me
An idiot I seemed to them
Go after him when old
Enjoy life now they told
I lost them
I gained some
But nothing compared to my dear friend

But one day I wandered from him
The troubles of life did me in
I took my gaze away from him
I despaired
He yearned for me to chat with him
Days without end
For intimacy with him
But I'd begun my downward spiral

Things began going wrong
My face no longer shone
Hope vanished
I trudged painfully along
Defeat faced me everywhere I turned
The storm threatened to sink me
I struggled to be free

Finally good sense prevailed
I realised there's no life without him
I suffocated for want of fresh air

Then I turned to him again
Sorry...I need you buddy I said
He forgave me welcomed me back
Was happy to be back in his arms
Was a fish in its blue , clear waters
Once again
Now refreshed, rejuvenated
I returned
To my former joyful self
Every little thing I touch
Simply prospers
It may be a word..a smile
Or soothing gaze
It becomes a pleasure to my friend

Now he waits for me
I wait for him
We are in deep intimacy
No problem fazes me
Cause he's with me
In fact in me
His strength on me
I can do all things
Through Christ who strengthens me!

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