Some one just said a humm-man gets 3 points and the author who gets polled by him
Not fair.
Let's do it reverse.
Give him zero and the author 3 points.

I suggest following punishments..if one doesn't work, use next.
Let's all unite n eradicate 'em 'humm'ans from the face of the earth.

Use a big broom and sweep 'em off.
A fat bat can give a nice whack on their huge behinds too.
Give 'em no food ..let 'em starve for days.
Hang 'em upside down from the ceiling.
Splash cold ice water on their faces to wake 'em up.
Make them crawl for hours writing POEMS (that actually rhyme:)) on the floor.
Sentence 'em to rigorous imprisonment..hard labour..READING all posts of ALL babus till date.
Holding a gun to their head, force 'em to poll each post SPEECHLESS.
Blacken their faces with shoe polish.
No BAIL plea will be ever heard.
No entry on writerbabu till they apologise.

If nothing works..
send them to ME..haha
my REVOLVER is ready!!!!

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