Although it was a very well thought decision to not include the images and videos in the posts, but that was one year back. Now the platform is maturing slowly. I think it is the right time to introduce images and youtube videos in posts. Lets make it more fun ...
Now you can add images and videos to your post through urls. Copy paste youtube video link and it will be embedded in your post. It will appear at the exact place where you have put the url. Same goes with the image, if you have an image at any location on web reachable through a link, you can paste the url in your post and it will appear where you placed the image url. And the normal links will appear as it is and will be clickable.
So am going to copy paste an image url from my instagram image gallery. Here it goes ...
So above should be an image and below am copy pasting the youtube video url of aerosmith playing dream on Lets hope it works in first go. Well, It worked, I know that it worked because now there is a preview link near the save button, using which you can see hows your post coming up. Cool right?
So now we can expect some very informative and really nice posts leveraging the power that images and videos bring to blogging.