My mind went back to this as I sat reading some new posts. It happened years ago.
I was sleeping on the mattress on the floor with my two small kids aged maybe two n half and five respectively.
Hubby was on tour out of the city.
We were new to Mumbai and had just shifted to this tiny company quarters where we lived for the next three years.
I prayed with my kids and put them to sleep. They dozed off within seconds as all kids do.
I couldn't sleep. I missed dear hubby. He had just begun touring and I was finding it tough to cope with it.

A loud sound. I first thought it was from upstairs. But someone hammering on walls at 11 PM?
I strained my ears.

Now I started perspiring.
The sound emanated from the table just next to me!
I was terrified.
For a moment I lay still.
Then gathering my guts, I whispered, 'Jesus..Jesus'
I knew that name was powerful.
Instantly the sounds vanished.
I slept peacefully without any more disturbances.
Hubby looked shocked when he heard this.

There was another time I heard eerie sounds at the dead of night.
This time I was all alone at home. Hubby and kids were away as usual.
A loud sound as if someone fell on the bedroom floor in a huge thud.

Believe me folk, I was so terrified, I pulled the sheet over my head and cried that Name again.
The sound didn't repeat again.
Thank goodness.
I slept a disturbed sleep that night.

From that time onwards I find it tough to sleep alone at night and make my way to my kids' room if hubby is away.
They laugh seeing me but welcome me as I lie next to them.

I know very much HE is near.
But I'm still trying to get over this eerie fear.

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