The wind howled and the sea roared as the streamer (Headguard) rocked and rolled its way to India. I was expecting another message as I did not have the faintest idea where to when I reached India. It came in the most unexpected way, in a bottle. It was noon and I was trying to catch some fish. I got a bite and pulled it in, to my dissapointment, it was a bottle, with a little something in it. It had a ship in it, one of those mini ships one finds in antique shops and bottles. I accidently broke the bottle and got the ship in my hand. I examinrd the ship, it had nothing special execept that its sails were made out of carbonfibre and its hull was made out of a titanum-gold alloy. Also, on taking its X-ray, I found that it had a mini photon destroyer linked to the entire ship which could encode all the molecules of the ship on to a supercomputer and then would emit a beam of the encoded photons. Then the ship would destroy itself and everything on it. The emitted beam would strike a pre-decided location and would decode its encoded data that data would convert itself into the ship again for a light speed warp and time travel.