The document was a sort of time capsule sent from the future into the present. Here is how it looked (not said) -
mhd jdgcjb icurd tv tfjg ctfgic hvgicg ugdi ytswhjop vcj gvgdjv gcucug gcj.g jgculr igf jg,jcj ugdjgc jdjgc mcugc jfugvu utfyf hgcfcy utcuc yf h yfxdif jgdufcug ehkpb vkbhv mgcuh ngcu fut srij hbvon jbcj jgcut jhydfm mgcyfj kbfubcugv kyvkf ihu ojgaqf vihv ih
There was more, but I will not waste your time in writing it. I had assumed that this some kind of language spoken in the present tense. How foolish. I never did decode this. But still, it was astounding that it was written in the roman script. There were only two explanations - 1. This was the kind of static kids made at home and sent in the past (in the future, of course)
2. Or the plain simple yet horrible truth, this was a language I could not decipher.